Thursday, October 28, 2010

Elizabeth Dallas Vela

1.  Have you ever had a transcendent experience?  If so, what happened? 

I've had several. Some have been conversations with God when I'd actually hear his voice in my head. Once I was driving on the freeway and I heard a voice that spoke clearly, saying "Turn around and look behind you." Saved me from an accident.

2.  If you had to pick one sense and lose all others, what would it be?

Vision. But I would really miss my sense of touch (hugs)and hearing (I love you's, Christmas carols, my children singing, compliments, babie's sounds...)

3.  What is your favorite attribute in a person?

Fairness. I can't tell you how many times in my life I've been completely obsessed about something that was unfair, and tried without success to get the person to right his wrong. 

4.  Describe your happiest accident.

My son. 

5.  If you had to choose one personal object to leave behind when you are gone, what would it be? 

My silverware. It represents something I thought I'd be when I grew up (elegant). The time for elegance is long past.  It would be a beautiful reminder of shared holidays for my kids. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Shelly Watson-Hild

1.  Have you ever had a transcendent experience?  If so, what happened?

I don’t even know what that is! If it’s an “outer body” or “religious epiphany” type thing, it hasn’t happened as of yet but I’m certainly open to it!

2.  If you had to pick one sense and lose all others, what would it be?

Sound. I need to hear and be heard!

3.  What is your favorite attribute in a person?

Hands down integrity.

4.  Describe your happiest accident.

I had a dream I was pregnant, took 3 tests they came out negative, but I was still convinced I’d be a mother some how. The next day I got a call from the NE Boston Terrier Rescue saying they had a baby girl for me to adopt. It was not planned but I knew it was meant to be! 

5.  If you had to choose one personal object to leave behind when you are gone, what would it be?

My wedding ring. I won’t need it after I’m gone because my husband lives in my soul forever. It would be a reminder to those who are convinced there is no one out there for them. There is. Be open to love just don’t expect it.