Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Andy Cooper-Leary

1.  Have you ever had a transcendent experience?  If so, what happened?

Yes...I can honestly say the when i was directing "Cabaret" for the Hackley School about 3 years ago....I was absolutely working beyond my given talents..the collaboration with my cast, designers, fellow directors was scarily good. I still get emotional thinking about it..I should have walked away from teaching/directing right there. It was 9 weeks of absolute artistic nirvana. 

2.  If you had to pick one sense and lose all others, what would it be?

Sight. Hands down no question.  You can communicate with sign language or read lips. I would eat and drink less. Too many sounds get on my nerves and touch..who needs pain? And please after living in New York for 15 years I would give smell away without hesitation. 

3.  What is your favorite attribute in a person?

Accessibilty. I hate interpersonal games and barriers despite playing and having many myself. 

4.  Describe your happiest accident.

My first conversation with my wife..I embarassed myself and offended her..but I got her attention! Thank you tequila! 

5.  If you had to choose one personal object to leave behind when you are gone, what would it be?

"Andrew's Skunk" a drawing made for me by noted children's author Jan Brett (family friend) when I was a baby. It's a family heirloom but it feels like something that will last forever. Besides many friends, family, and colleagues will tell you I enjoy making a stink. Thanks I'm here all week. 

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