1. Have you ever had a transcendent experience? If so, what happened?
i No nO wOt Dis mEens.
2. If you had to pick one sense and lose all others, what would it be?
DAYfuNeTELEe SMeL BCUz mY nnOS eES DEe pARt Of meE DaT I LvOe BEcuZZ i No hOo U R wIT mY NoSS. I No WEn U r neeR mE.
3. What is your favorite attribute in a person?
WeL I WoOde saY iF u R NisE tO doGs. Dis MEEns u R niSe.
4. Describe your happiest accident.
WoN TImE i FinD sUm PooP in De yaaRd enD I koOd RRroll aRownD Een itt aNd smElLedde Nise foaR De QeueeNe.
5. If you had to choose one personal object to leave behind when you are gone, what would it be?
I nO No. I TiNK mY rOPE bEcuZ i LvOE eet anD Eet Is fUN. I LvOe eet soo MUcch. I LVoE u to.
oh my GAWD.