Thursday, September 9, 2010

Jacob Rogers

1.  Have you ever had a transcendent experience?  If so, what happened?

A recent transcendent experience? Well, my grandmother Leota just survived an unexpected and 10 day tie-up in her bowels. Being that she is 93, we (the family) were told many things... including not to expect much. She's not at home & still recovering; I'm very happy she's still with us.

2.  If you had to pick one sense and lose all others, what would it be?

The sense of sight. It provides a lot of info the way current events, and something about those we're sharing them with...

3.  What is your favorite attribute in a person?

Fearlessness is a good attribute. Explains for some the tendency to take risks & make sacrifices (or so I'm told).

4.  Describe your happiest accident.

Well, there was a "happy accident" for me in high school. Driving an old car I had to a friend's house one night, then backing into another person's car while trying to park with a fogged rear windshield. The driver of the car was upset at first; but we settled the damage and have been good friends ever since.

5.  If you had to choose one personal object to leave behind when you are gone, what would it be?

Perhaps such a personal object would be a letter or a postcard to a certain someone. Not sure which communication or important person just now, but exchanges like that have always intrigued me.

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