Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Karie Hunt

1. Have you ever had a transcendent experience? If so, what happened?

I don't know that I have. I look forward to one in the future!

2. If you had to pick one sense and lose all others, what would it be?

Sight. As much as I like to communicate with my voice, I take in so much information with my eyes. I would have a hard time going from being able to see all the amazing things in this world, to not being able to see anything. Communication, of course, would be a lot harder, but I feel confident that I could learn new ways to communicate. Losing my sight, I wouldn't even know where to begin getting past that.

3. What is your favorite attribute in a person?

Warmth. Warmth relaxes me and makes me feel like everything is going to be ok. I find real warmth in a person is something that is hard for people to fake. Anyone can be funny and charming, but not everyone can make you feel at home just being around them.

4. Describe your happiest accident.

I would have to say running into my now fiance, Louis, at a mutual friends party. There are so many small decisions that led to that night and moment, and my life is forever changed. It's more complete now.

5. If you had to choose one personal object to leave behind when you are gone, what would it be?

My teddy bear Cookie. It's one of the few constant items I have had with me my whole life, and I like to think it represents my personality: fun loving and always there if you need a hug. She is a little worn in, but all those wears are from times she was hugged and loved. All my wrinkles come from happy memories.

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